New Website Design with SEO Generates More Traffic for Regional Economic Alliance
Lake Okeechobee Regional Economic Alliance (LORE) was awarded a government grant to launch a new website. LORE’s legacy website was outdated and generated little traffic. Zilveti Communications was asked to re-imagine the website with a new design copywriting to generate greater SEO for targeted search traffic. LORE was challenged with an extremely tight deadline — less than six weeks – to develop a new website in time to show the state government the results of its grant project.
Using the built-in Content Management System (CMS) of WordPress was the quickest and most economically viable option for the project. This option would allow the LORE staff to make routine updates without coding knowledge. WordPress also offered an ideal environment to maximize the SEO needed for enhanced traffic. Zilveti Communications team included an SEO specialist and copywriter with a background in journalism to re-write copy for SEO, encompassing customized Titles, descriptions and meta tags, copy specifically for each page’s identified keywords, with additional heads, subheads, font markup, alt texts and bullets
In just 35 days, Zilveti Communications launched a new, fully functional website for LORE on time and on budget. Our site design reflected the modern, clean and easy-to-navigate update LORE needed but retained the look and feel of the rural setting of the Lake Okeechobee region. When LORE presented its new website to the grant reviewers at Tallahassee, LORE was congratulated on the clean look and speed at which it had been created.